Publications (China)

China, US and EU post-2020 plans reduce projected warming

For the first time since 2009 the Climate Action Tracker calculates a discernibly lower temperature increase than previously estimated because of new proposed post-2020 actions.Recent announcements by China, the United States and European Union, who comprise approximately 53% of global emissions, indicate a rising level of ambition, which are reflected read more...

China and US increase climate ambition: Improvements needed in 2015

The Climate Action Tracker has undertaken an initial assessment of the recent announcements by the United States and China’s new pledges and proposals on emissions reductions for 2025 and 2030, in the context of the present international negotiations for a new climate agreement to be adopted at the end of read more...

China and the US: how does their climate action compare?

Together, China and the US emit about 35% of today’s greenhouse gas emissions. Current global climate change action is insufficient to limit warming below 2°C. By improving action of China and the US to global best practice, these two largest emitters could decrease domestic emissions to a level compatible with read more...

Warsaw unpacked: A race to the bottom?

Weak government action on climate change will lead to a projected 3.7degC of warming by 2100, around 0.6degC higher than the original promises they made in Copenhagen, the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) said today.The annual assessment by the CAT, a project of research organisations: Climate Analytics, Ecofys and the Potsdam read more...

"Climate shuffle" likely to lead to increased warming

National action on climate change mitigation appears to be joining the international climate negotiations in the new and ever popular “climate shuffle” dance. It involves maximum effort and motion while staying in the same spot…or even, in some cases, going backwards.Recent emissions trends and estimates of the effects of those read more...

2° be or not 2° be

Limiting global warming below 2degC – or even to below 1.5DegC remains technically and economically feasible, but only with political ambition backed by rapid action starting now, the Climate Action Tracker said today.

Negotiations heading towards high warming, high cost pathway

Delaying any decisions on future climate action until 2015 or 2020 will bring a rapidly increasing risk in costs and threatens the likelihood of the world being able to keep global warming to below 2 degrees C, the Climate Action Tracker warned today in its Durban update.We are heading toward read more...

China emission paradox: Cancun emissions intensity pledge to be surpassed but emissions higher

China is on track to meet – or even surpass – some of its Cancun climate pledges, yet its emissions will rise higher than expected, according to the latest Climate Action Tracker, released today at the Panama climate negotiations.The update includes an analysis of China’s 12th Five Year Plan, announced read more...

Emissions and CO2 concentrations at record highs: Developed countries ambition stalled while developing countries gearing up to act

In this update the Climate Action Tracker provides some insights from the workshops and other material presented by countries at the on-going climate talks in Bonn. Despite the recent financial recession, global CO2 emissions in the energy sector grew by 10% overall over the past 5 years, from about 30 read more...

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