Net zero targets
We evaluate the net zero target as: Average.
In June 2021, Germany adopted its 2045 net zero target in its revised climate law and submitted its updated LTS to the UNFCCC in November 2022. The net zero target generally covers all key elements but fails to meet good practice as defined by the Climate Action Tracker for some of them. Germany also falls under the European Union net zero target (see separate CAT analysis).
Germany’s target covers all sectors and gases underpinned by an emissions pathway until 2040 and the communication of binding sectoral targets until 2030. International aviation and shipping remain outside of the target’s scope. A periodic and legally-binding review process of measures and interim targets per an Expert Council is in place. Germany provides separate reduction and removal targets with regards to LULUCF but remains unclear on any other carbon removal. The net zero target is enshrined in law by way of Germany’s Climate Protection Act.
The German government is failing to provide explicit and transparent assumptions on some key elements with an update of the ‘Climate Action Plan 2050’ still under development as of June 2024. The proposed measures aim to achieve net zero on Germany’s own territory, but it remains unclear whether Germany reserves right to use of international offset credits. Lastly, Germany has missed communicating transparent assumptions on carbon storage and removal.
CAT analysis of net zero target
Ten key elements
Good practice
Further analysis
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