Huge emissions savings in lighting and appliances at world’s fingertips

As people around the world switch off their lights for “Earth Hour” this weekend, a new analysis shows the world could make huge reductions in global warming by simply adopting the highest existing energy related standards for lighting and appliances. This can be achieved at net zero costs for consumers read more...

Climate Action Benchmarks : Identifying Paris-consistent pathways for countries, sectors and businesses

The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) is developing a new feature: “Climate Action Benchmarks”. The CAT will develop benchmarks based on indicators that will highlight the level of emissions reduction governments and sectors need to achieve to reach the Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature goal.The CAT team’s work on the benchmarks has read more...

Reducing food waste and changing diet could drastically reduce agricultural emissions

A new analysis of agricultural emissions by the Climate Action Tracker shows that reducing emissions through changes in farming practices alone will not be enough to limit global warming to 1.5°C, but changing our diets and reducing food waste could make significant additional reductions, which calls for a much more read more...

Improvement in warming outlook as India and China move ahead, but Paris Agreement gap still looms large

While US climate policy has been rolled back under President Trump, India and China have moved ahead, making significant progress in climate action over the past year, the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) said today. Actions in China and India have made a difference to the CAT’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions read more...

Decarbonising the global steel and cement sectors calls for more than zero carbon fuels—now

Deploying current technologies to decarbonise the steel and cement industries is unlikely to be sufficient to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit, according to a new Climate Action Tracker (CAT) study - "Manufacturing a low-carbon society: how can we reduce emissions from cement and steel?" - released today.The steel and read more...

Climate Action Tracker launches new rating system

The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has updated its government climate action rating system to better reflect the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C long term warming limit. The new categories help to highlight the adequacy and fairness of government climate commitments for the Paris Agreement.The CAT has updated its effort-sharing assessment to incorporate read more...

China, India slow global emissions growth, Trump’s polices will flatten US emissions

Global leadership on climate is changing: Positive developments on coal use in China and India are likely to reduce projected global carbon emissions growth by roughly two to three billion tonnes by 2030 compared to forecasts made a year ago, the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) said today.(full briefing / press read more...

Climate Action Tracker launches new decarbonisation data portal

Which country is making more progress in decarbonising their road transport sector with low-carbon fuels?Which country has a higher share of renewable energy? How does this look for countries without a large share of hydropower?How much are China and India’s economies emitting in relation to their economic output? Is it read more...

The ten most important short-term steps to limit warming to 1.5°C

The Climate Action Tracker today spelt out ten important, short-term steps that key sectors need to take to help the world achieve the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit.All key sectors—energy generation, road transport, buildings, industry, forestry and land use, and commercial agriculture—have to begin major efforts to cut emissions by, latest, read more...

Turkey’s climate plans could be dwarfed by coal emissions: Climate Action Tracker

Turkey’s climate plans, submitted to the UN ahead of the upcoming Paris Climate Summit, have been rated “inadequate” by international research analysts, the Climate Action Tracker, which says the country’s coal plant plans would cancel out its abatement measures.Turkey’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 21% below read more...

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