The CAT publishes its new “Climate Target Update Tracker” at COP25

The Climate Action Tracker has today published its “Climate Target Update Tracker” that will track governments’ updated 2030 targets (NDCs) as part of their commitment under the Paris Agreement to update them by 2020.The Tracker will analyse in detail both proposed and updated 2030 targets from the 36 countries covered read more...

New analysis: Huge potential for Turkey to scale up climate action and cut emissions

Bu, internet sayfası ve basın açıklaması İngilizce versiyonudur, Türkçe versiyon için burayı tıklayın. This is the English version of this webpage and press release, click here for the Turkish version.Turkey has tremendous potential to scale-up its climate action, and could reduce emissions substantially by 2030 by acting in just three read more...

Yeni Analiz: Türkiye emisyonlarını azaltma konusunda muazzam bir potansiyele sahip

Bu, internet sayfası ve basın açıklaması Türkçe versiyonudur, İngilizce versiyon için burayı tıklayın. This is the Turkish version of this webpage and press release, click here for the English version.Bugün yayımlanan bir analiz, Türkiye’nin iklim eylemini artırma konusunda muazzam bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu ve sadece üç ana sektörde eyleme geçerek read more...

Analisa: Indonesia dapat mengubah jalan untuk mengurangi emisi pada 2030 hanya dengan melakukan aksi di tiga bidang utama

Ini adalah siaran pers dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Untuk versi bahasa Inggris, klik di sini. This is the press release in Bahasa Indonesia. For the english version, click here.Menurut analisa baru yang disampaikan oleh Climate Action Tracker (CAT), Indonesia memiliki potensi luar biasa dalam meningkatkan aksi untuk iklim dengan melakukan penghilangan read more...

Report - Indonesia could change course on emissions by 2030 by acting in just three key sectors

Ini adalah siaran pers dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk versi Bahasa Indonesia, klik di sini. This is the press release in English. For the Bahasa Indonesia version, click here.Indonesia has tremendous potential to scale up its climate action to decarbonise its economy: by acting in just three key areas, it could read more...

Effect of the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

The Trump Administration’s intended withdrawal of the US from the Paris Agreement and its rollbacks of domestic climate policy will leave US greenhouse gas emissions at least 3% higher in 2030 than with the policies still in place. Nevertheless, the CAT projects US emissions to be 2% lower than what read more...

Chile’s draft new Paris pledge moves climate action in the right direction: could be close to 2˚C and 1.5˚C pathways

October 2019Chile is one of the first countries to propose an updated and clearly more ambitious Paris Agreement pledge (or “nationally determined contribution” - NDC). This development is a globally important leadership signal as Chile is hosting the Climate Conference in December in a context where, under the Paris Agreement read more...

New: First round of analysis on climate governance for six countries

Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement will require a step change in emissions reductions efforts and major changes in how the global economy functions. Governments around the world will play a critical role in enabling this transformation through coordinating action from all aspects of society and the economy towards read more...

CAT global update: Without more action, warming could reach 1.5˚C by 2035, 2˚C by 2053, 3.2˚C by 2100

Government climate policies globally are likely to lead to a breaching of the 1.5degree warming limit by 2035, 2 degrees by 2053 and a total warming of 3.2 degrees by the end of the century, the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) warned today in its latest update.This projection is based on read more...

Informe - Argentina tiene un enorme potencial para convertirse en líder mundial en acción climática

Argentina podría reducir sus emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) hasta un 94% por debajo de los niveles de 2014 para 2050 en tres sectores clave: electricidad, edificios residenciales y transporte terrestre de pasajeros y mercancías, lo que la colocaría en el buen camino para convertirse en líder mundial read more...

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