Australia - Backtracking on promising progress
The Australian Government’s plans to dismantle the current climate legislation could lead to it increasing emissions in 2020 rather than meeting its target of reducing them by 5% from 2000 levels, the Climate Action Tracker said today.As Prime Minister Tony Abbott introduced legislation into the Australian Parliament today, the Climate read more...
"Climate shuffle" likely to lead to increased warming
National action on climate change mitigation appears to be joining the international climate negotiations in the new and ever popular “climate shuffle” dance. It involves maximum effort and motion while staying in the same spot…or even, in some cases, going backwards.Recent emissions trends and estimates of the effects of those read more...
Warnings of climate science - again - written in Doha sand
While the official UNFCCC negotiations made some limited progress, encouragingdevelopments on the margins give hope that faster progress is possible.On the official side, minor steps were made towards more emission reductions, including theagreement of a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, continuation of climatefinance and initiation of a discussion read more...
2° be or not 2° be
Limiting global warming below 2degC – or even to below 1.5DegC remains technically and economically feasible, but only with political ambition backed by rapid action starting now, the Climate Action Tracker said today.
Governments set world on more than 3°C warming, still playing with numbers
Governments are still set to send global temperatures above 3°C by 2100, even though their agreed warming limit of 2°C is still technically possible, scientists said today. In this update we discuss the 2°C and 1.5°C limits, the future of the Kyoto Protocol and recent clarifications of Parties’ conditionality to read more...
Reality gap: Some countries progress in national polices, but many risk failing to meet pledges
In this update, the Climate Action Tracker provides insights for Brazil, the USA, Mexico, Japan and South Korea on actions on climate change, new economic and energy data, government policies and announcements and developments at the UN climate talks.
Evaluación del impacto de las políticas de México sobre su perfil de emisiones de gas con efecto invernadero - Español
México ha llevado a cabo algunos de los esfuerzos más avanzados de los países en vías de desarrollo, incluyendo aprobar una ambiciosa Ley de Cambio Climático. México aún tiene un largo camino por recorrer para lograr sus objetivos de reducción de emisiones.Estas 120 páginas de análisis son parte de una read more...
Assessment of Mexico's policies impacting its greenhouse gas emissions profile - English
Mexico has made some of the most advanced efforts in the developing world to tackle climate change, including passing strong climate change law, however Mexico still has a long way to go to achieve its emissions reduction targets.This 120-page analysis is part of an ongoing investigation by the Climate Action read more...
After Durban: Risk of delay in raising ambition lowers chances for 2°C, while heading for 3.5°C
The Durban Climate Summit concluded with groundbreaking establishment of a new body to negotiate a global agreement covering all countries by 2015 (Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action). With a new agreement not scheduled to take effect until 2020 the new agreement appears unlikely to read more...
Negotiations heading towards high warming, high cost pathway
Delaying any decisions on future climate action until 2015 or 2020 will bring a rapidly increasing risk in costs and threatens the likelihood of the world being able to keep global warming to below 2 degrees C, the Climate Action Tracker warned today in its Durban update.We are heading toward read more...
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