
Overall rating
Highly insufficient
Policies & actions
< 3°C World
Internationally supported target
Highly insufficient
< 4°C World
Fair share target
Highly insufficient
< 4°C World
Climate finance
Not applicable
Net zero target

Comprehensiveness not rated as

No target
Land use & forestry
Not significant

NOTE: Egypt submitted an updated NDC on 7 July 2022. We are currently analysing this submission and will update this page shortly.

Paris Agreement targets

NDC description

Egypt ratified the Paris Agreement in 2017, turning its 2015 INDC submission into its first NDC. The NDC does not have an overall emissions reduction target, nor does it have sector-specific, quantitative targets (Government of Egypt, 2017).

The NDC describes low-carbon energy systems as the foundation of Egypt’s mitigation efforts and lists five main pillars of sustainable development:

  1. Energy efficiency, particularly by end-users
  2. Renewable energy in the power sector
  3. More efficient fossil fuel solutions and nuclear power generation
  4. Decoupling energy demand and economic growth by better energy efficiency
  5. Energy subsidy reform

However, besides outlining these pillars, the NDC only makes vague references to their implementation.

As Egypt’s NDC does not have a quantifiable mitigation target, we have not rated Egypt’s climate targets.

In order to receive a 1.5°C compatible rating for its climate targets, Egypt would need to do the following:

  • Submit a conditional NDC target to reduce emissions by approximately 25% by 2030 compared to today’s levels
  • Submit an unconditional NDC stabilising emissions roughly at today’s levels by 2030.

Net zero and other long-term target(s)

Egypt does not have a net zero target, nor has it submitted a long-term strategy (LTS) to the UNFCCC as of June 2022. Egypt launched its 2050 National Climate Change Strategy in May 2022 but it does not contain an emissions reduction target.

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