Publications (Mexico)
Pulling the plug on fossils in power
Decarbonising the power sector is a key step on the road to net zero as it will cut both power sector emissions and help push fossil fuels out of the buildings, transport and industrial sectors as these sectors electrify.To help track global and country level progress, the Climate Action Tracker read more...
Paris-aligned benchmarks for the power sector
As the world moves to address the climate crisis and journey towards a zero-carbon future, roadmaps which demonstrate the pathway to cut emissions fast, fairly and effectively are essential.The broad strokes of a Paris-aligned roadmap are clear – we need to roughly halve emissions by 2030, achieve net zero CO2 read more...
Global update: Pandemic recovery with just a hint of green
In this briefing, we examine the COVID-19 recovery packages of five major emitters – China, EU27, India, South Korea and the USA; we present the global temperature update, taking into account the economic impact of COVID-19; and we share key insights from the updated assessments for 13 of the 36 read more...
Climate pledges will bring 2.7°C of warming, potential for more action
With 158 climate pledges now submitted to the UN, accounting for 94% of global emissions, the Climate Action Tracker today confirmed this would result in around 2.7°C of warming in 2100 – if all governments met their pledge. “This level of warming is still well above the agreed limit of read more...
G20 - all INDCs in, but large Gap remains
The 2015 G20 Summit, (Turkey, 15-16 November) will see Heads of State and Government meet to discuss, among other issues, development, energy and climate change finance.All G20 members have presented their “intended nationally determined contributions” or INDCs, to the UNFCCC for the Paris Agreement. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has read more...
Are governments doing their “fair share”? - New method assesses climate action
Climate Action Tracker assesses government climate proposals on what’s “fair” and holds warming below 2?C.The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has developed the most comprehensive method yet of simultaneously assessing the “fairness” and “below 2?C compatibility” of government climate action put forward for the Paris Agreement, expected to be adopted in read more...
Analysis of current greenhouse gas emission trends
Policy activity has to increase significantly in order to limit global average temperature increase to 2°C above the pre-industrial level. With currently implemented government policies, greenhouse gas emissions are projected to lead to a warming of 3.7°C by the end of this century, about 0.6°C higher than that under the read more...
2° be or not 2° be
Limiting global warming below 2degC – or even to below 1.5DegC remains technically and economically feasible, but only with political ambition backed by rapid action starting now, the Climate Action Tracker said today.
Reality gap: Some countries progress in national polices, but many risk failing to meet pledges
In this update, the Climate Action Tracker provides insights for Brazil, the USA, Mexico, Japan and South Korea on actions on climate change, new economic and energy data, government policies and announcements and developments at the UN climate talks.
Evaluación del impacto de las políticas de México sobre su perfil de emisiones de gas con efecto invernadero - Español
México ha llevado a cabo algunos de los esfuerzos más avanzados de los países en vías de desarrollo, incluyendo aprobar una ambiciosa Ley de Cambio Climático. México aún tiene un largo camino por recorrer para lograr sus objetivos de reducción de emisiones.Estas 120 páginas de análisis son parte de una read more...
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