Publications (Türkiye)
Pulling the plug on fossils in power
Decarbonising the power sector is a key step on the road to net zero as it will cut both power sector emissions and help push fossil fuels out of the buildings, transport and industrial sectors as these sectors electrify.To help track global and country level progress, the Climate Action Tracker read more...
Paris-aligned benchmarks for the power sector
As the world moves to address the climate crisis and journey towards a zero-carbon future, roadmaps which demonstrate the pathway to cut emissions fast, fairly and effectively are essential.The broad strokes of a Paris-aligned roadmap are clear – we need to roughly halve emissions by 2030, achieve net zero CO2 read more...
Türkiye'de iklim eylemini arttırmak
Bu çalışmanın odaklandığı alanlar (elektrik arzı, karayolu ve demiryolu yolcu taşımacılığı ve konut yapıları) da dâhil olmak üzere, Türkiye’de iklim eyleminin artırılması bakımından muazzam bir potansiyel bulunuyor. İklim eylemini şimdi artırmak, bir yandan sıfır emisyonlu bir topluma geçiş için teknik açıdan uygulanabilir nitelikte sektörel dönüşüm süreçlerini başlatırken, diğer yandan da read more...
Scaling up climate action in Turkey
Bu, internet sayfası ve raporun İngilizce versiyonudur, Türkçe versiyon için burayı tıklayın. This is the English version of this webpage and report, click here for the Turkish version.In Turkey, there is tremendous potential to scale up climate action, including in the focus areas of this study, that is: electricity supply, read more...
Scaling Up Climate Action Methodology
A consistent method and similar structure for all six reports under the Scaling Up Climate Action series aims for country-specific insights, while enabling a cross-country comparison to draw general research findings and lessons learnt on global potentials.Each country report starts with the analysis of climate policy activity and respective gaps read more...
Climate pledges will bring 2.7°C of warming, potential for more action
With 158 climate pledges now submitted to the UN, accounting for 94% of global emissions, the Climate Action Tracker today confirmed this would result in around 2.7°C of warming in 2100 – if all governments met their pledge. “This level of warming is still well above the agreed limit of read more...
G20 - all INDCs in, but large Gap remains
The 2015 G20 Summit, (Turkey, 15-16 November) will see Heads of State and Government meet to discuss, among other issues, development, energy and climate change finance.All G20 members have presented their “intended nationally determined contributions” or INDCs, to the UNFCCC for the Paris Agreement. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has read more...
Are governments doing their “fair share”? - New method assesses climate action
Climate Action Tracker assesses government climate proposals on what’s “fair” and holds warming below 2?C.The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has developed the most comprehensive method yet of simultaneously assessing the “fairness” and “below 2?C compatibility” of government climate action put forward for the Paris Agreement, expected to be adopted in read more...
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