Climate Action Tracker Rating Methodology

This document describes in detail the CAT rating method used as of September 2021.A briefing that summarises the method is available here. For more information, please also see our briefing that illustrates changes in the rating resulting from the change of methodology, next to a summary of recent changes in read more...

Climate Governance in Ghana

The CAT Climate Governance series seeks to produce a practical framework for assessing a government’s readiness - both from an institutional and governance point of view - to ratchet up climate policy and implement adequate transformational policies on the ground, to enable the required economy-wide transformation towards a zero emissions read more...

Climate Governance series Methodology

Decarbonising the world’s economy involves action from all aspects of society and the economy. Governments in all countries play a critical role in enabling this transformation and as such the ability, fitness and readiness of a country’s climate governance will play a critical role in determining the speed and volume read more...

Evaluation methodology for national net zero targets

Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement and the release of the IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, a growing number of countries have committed to net zero emissions targets. As of June 2021, 31 countries and the European Union have set such a target, either in law read more...

Germany’s proposed 2030 national target not yet 1.5˚C-compatible

Diese Analyse ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. To be in line with the 1.5°C limit of the Paris Agreement, Germany’s new 2030 domestic reduction target should aim for national emission reductions of at least 69% below 1990 levels. To fully contribute its fair share Germany would have to significantly increase read more...

Deutschlands vorgeschlagenes Klimaziel für 2030 noch nicht 1,5˚C-kompatibel

This analysis is also available in English. Um mit der 1,5°C-Grenze des Pariser Klimaschutzabkommens im Einklang zu sein, müsste sich Deutschland ein neues Klimaziel für 2030 von mindestens 69% nationaler Emissionsminderung unter dem Niveau von 1990 setzen. Außerdem müsste Deutschland seinen Beitrag zur internationalen Klimafinanzierung deutlich erhöhen, um seinen fairen read more...

Global Update: Climate Summit Momentum

Climate action announcements at US President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate, together with those announced since September last year, have improved the Climate Action Tracker’s warming estimate by 0.2°C. End of century warming from these Paris Agreement pledges and targets is now estimated to be 2.4°C. Assuming full implementation of read more...

How a COVID-19 recovery with less coal could benefit Indonesia

Reassessing its reliance on coal for electricity would be an important step in Indonesia’s green recovery. In this analysis we model two options for Indonesia to reduce its planned coal-fired capacity, and the resulting impact on projected emissions, as well as the impact on premature deaths from air pollution.We find read more...

1.5°C-consistent benchmarks for the US 2030 climate target

After officially rejoining the Paris Agreement, the Biden administration is now preparing a new 2030 Paris Agreement target - or Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) that is expected to be announced in time for the Leader’s Climate Summit on Earth Day (22 April).The CAT’s analysis indicates that the new US NDC read more...

1.5°C-consistent benchmarks for enhancing Japan’s 2030 climate target

日本語訳はこちら:2021_03_CAT_1.5C-consistent_benchmarks_Japan_NDC-Translation.pdfThis policy brief discusses economy-wide and sector-level benchmarks in 2030 and beyond for Japan to be consistent with the Paris Agreement’s long-term 1.5°C warming limit, based on recent analyses by the Climate Action Tracker and its member organisations, NewClimate Institute and Climate Analytics. The benchmarks presented in this brief are read more...

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