We provide a range of projections for the EU’s planned policies.
To develop a planned policies projection for the bottom of the range (i.e. maximum emission reductions), we modified our energy sector estimate to take into account the 45% indicative RE target, up from the 42.5% included in our current policy projections’ lower bound. For the other sectors, we use sector-specific growth rates from EEA’s 2023 ‘with additional measures’ (WAM) scenario to extend each sector out to 2030 individually.
To devise the modified energy sector estimate, we took the energy emissions projections from the lower range of our current policy projection and multiplied it by the ratio between projected total energy emissions in 2030 with a 42.5% RE binding target compared to a 45% RE indicative target. We interpolated the data between total energy emissions in 2022 to this adjusted value for 2030 to complete the timeseries.
To calculate the ratio indicated above, we started with the 2030 emissions estimates provided by the European Commission in its initial modelling of the higher emissions reduction goal published in 2021 (European Commission, 2021c). We select the MIX scenario for the 2030 domestic energy related CO2 emissions (i.e. excluding international aviation and shipping). This modelling assumed a renewable energy share of 40% and when corrected to remove international bunkers, assumes a final energy consumption of 751 Mtoe.
We calculated the emissions intensity for energy CO2 emissions and then adjusted this figure to reflect the higher renewable energy share adopted by the EU (42.5% and 45%). To calculate energy CO2 emissions we used this revised emissions intensity value and the Energy Efficiency Directive’s final energy consumption target of 11.7% below the 2020 EU Reference scenario we which calculate to be 726 Mtoe, excluding international aviation in 2030.
We used the 2021 ratio between energy CO2 and all gases to estimate total emissions in 2030. For the other value in the ratio, we applied the same methods as indicated earlier but used the indicative additional target included in the Renewable Energy Directive of 2.5% (or 45% share total).
To develop a planned policies projection for the upper end of the range (i.e. minimal emission reductions), we take the projected GHG emissions under the S3 scenario from the 2040 target communication impact assessment by the European Commission (in AR5) and convert it to AR4 while at the same time removing the influence of international aviation. In the EU’s Fit for 55 modelling scenarios, international aviation is included in the final energy consumption and GHG emissions (European Commission, 2021b). To omit it, we subtract the international aviation energy consumption and GHG emissions from the totals.