Analyse: Deutschlands vorgeschlagenes Klimaziel für 2030 noch nicht 1,5˚C-kompatibel

This analysis is also available in English.Deutschland müsste seine Emissionen bis 2030 mindestens 69% unter 1990 reduzieren, um mit dem Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen kompatibel zu sein. Das wären mehr als die 65%, die letzte Woche angekündigt wurden, so eine Analyse, die heute vom Climate Action Tracker (CAT) veröffentlicht wurde. Der CAT read more...

CAT Analysis: Germany's proposed 2030 target not yet 1.5°C compatible

Diese Analyse ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.A Paris Agreement-compatible target for Germany would be emissions reductions of at least 69% by 2030, more than the 65% that was announced last week, according an analysis released by the Climate Action Tracker today The CAT warned that Germany needs to ramp up read more...

Global update: Projected warming from Paris pledges drops to 2.4 degrees after US Summit: analysis

Government announcements of new climate targets have brought down projected end of century warming by 0.2 degrees C, with the projected warming from Paris Agreement pledges now at 2.4˚C, according to new analysis released today by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT). The projected warming from the “optimistic scenario” assuming full read more...

New momentum reduces emissions gap, but huge gap remains - analysis

Yesterday’s climate action announcements at US President Biden’s Leaders’ Summit on Climate, together with those announced since September last year, have narrowed the 2030 emissions gap by around 12-14% (2.6-3.7 GtCO2e), according to a provisional post-Summit analysis by the Climate Action Tracker. The largest contributions came from the US, the read more...

To show climate leadership, US 2030 target should be at least 57-63% - analysis

If the Biden Administration wants the US to be a climate leader, its new 2030 Paris Agreement target should aim for national emissions reductions of at least 57-63% below 2005 levels,1 according to the Climate Action Tracker (CAT). This would be a domestic target, and would set the US emissions read more...

Japan’s Paris Agreement target should be more than 60% by 2030 - analysis

日本語訳はこちら:2021_03_CAT_1.5C-consistent_benchmarks_Japan_NDC-Translation.pdfJapan needs to increase its Paris Agreement 2030 climate target to more than 60% below 2013 levels, a target that would be 1.5˚C compatible and set it on a domestic emission pathway to reach its 2050 net zero target, according to new Climate Action Tracker analysis released today. The Japanese read more...

Global update: Paris Agreement Turning Point

Paris turning point: net zero targets would bring warming to 2.1°CIf all national governments meet their 2050 net zero emissions targets, warming could be as low as 2.1˚C by 2100, putting the Paris Agreement’s 1.5˚C limit within striking distance, according to new calculations by the Climate Action Tracker.However, all eyes read more...

Australia can move to net-zero emissions by 2050, and would benefit from it - new report

Australia can decarbonise its energy system by 2050 by scaling up climate action in its electricity supply and energy end use sectors, creating up to 76,000 additional jobs in the renewables sector alone, according to a new report by the Climate Action Tracker. In the “Scaling up Climate Action: Australia” read more...

Biden’s election could bring a tipping point putting Paris Agreement 1.5 degree limit “within striking distance”

If President-elect Joe Biden goes ahead with his net-zero emissions pledge by 2050 for the US, this could shave 0.1˚C off global warming by 2100, according to the Climate Action Tracker. Coupled with China’s pledge to bring emissions to net-zero before 2060, and the EU, Japan and South Korea’s commitments read more...

Global update: Pandemic recovery with just a hint of green

23 September 2020 --Governments are largely not making climate change action central to their COVID-19 recovery packages, despite some signs of good intentions, according to a new analysis released today by the Climate Action Tracker (CAT).The CAT has analysed the post-pandemic recovery packages of a selection of five big emitting read more...

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