
Overall rating

Policies and action
against modelled domestic pathways

Almost Sufficient
< 2°C World

NDC target (domestic)
against modelled domestic pathways

< 3°C World

NDC target (full)
against fair share

< 3°C World
Climate finance
Net zero target



Comprehensiveness rated as

Land use & forestry
Not significant

2035 NDC Target Overview

Switzerland’s 2035 NDC target of reducing GHG emissions by at least 65% compared to 1990 levels represents an absolute increase in ambition compared to its 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions by at least 50% compared to 1990 levels. However, a substantial gap remains between the target and the modelled domestic pathway (MDP). In fact, this gap has increased both in absolute and relative terms compared to the 2030 target, and the failure to narrow it in the latest update raises concerns about the level of ambition of the new target. A positive development is that the new NDC now outlines sectoral plans and interim targets covering buildings, transport, industry and other sectors, and commits to expanding renewable energy capacity in line with the global tripling renewables target.

A key concern remains: the lack of transparency regarding the share of emission reductions achieved domestically versus through international carbon credits. Without a clear breakdown of domestic reduction versus purchase of international credits, it is difficult to assess whether Switzerland’s efforts are in line with 1.5°C-compatible domestic pathways. The government has stated that the share of international reductions will decrease post-2030 – but it still hasn’t disclosed pre-2030 levels and has again failed to provide specific details on how it intends to cut emissions domestically, leaving uncertainties about actual ambition.

The CAT has therefore again had to make assumptions to quantify the 2035 target, applying the same assumptions we used for the 2030 target, specifically that 60 to 67% of the target will be realised domestically. The reliance on market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement's Article 6 without a specified reduction share limits transparency and could allow for loopholes that delay meaningful domestic action. Switzerland should provide a transparent and well-defined domestic emissions reduction target, ensuring that its commitments contribute meaningfully to global climate efforts.

Switzerland submitted its 2035 NDC mitigation target on 29 January 2025, setting a 2035 target of a reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65% below 1990 levels. This target covers all gases and sectors except international aviation and maritime transport. The CAT excludes emissions or removals from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) from this target, resulting in emission levels of 18.8 to 19.2 MtCO2e in 2035. However, as Switzerland continues to realise some of its emissions reductions abroad, again without specifying this share, it is not possible for the CAT to assess the target without making some assumptions. If 60 to 67% of the emissions reductions were realised domestically, it would lead to emissions levels of 30 to 33.5 MtCO2e in 2035.

The estimated domestic component of the newly submitted NDC of 30 to 33.5 MtCO2e in 2035 is not 1.5°C-compatible against modelled domestic pathways because it falls far short of the 1.5°C compatible threshold of 18.7 MtCO2e, excluding LULUCF. The CAT therefore rates this target as insufficient. If Switzerland scaled up its domestic action with the aim of realising the full target of 18.8-19.2 MtCO2e domestically, it would fall into the almost sufficient category, just on the edge of 1.5° compatible.

Switzerland's domestic 2035 NDC is set substantially higher than the current policy projection, meaning that without additional effort Switzerland is on track to meeting the target. This highlights the low level of ambition of the 2035 target.

Switzerland’s submitted 2035 NDC target did not increase the ambition of its 2030 mitigation target. A failure to substantially increase the ambition of Switzerland’s 2030 targets and action would mean limiting peak global warming to 1.5°C will be more difficult, and deeper and more rapid emissions reduction targets will be required elsewhere, which will likely lead to a multi-decadal, high overshoot of this limit, even if followed by strong 2035 targets.

2035 NDC target
Formulation of target in NDC To reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 65 percent by 2035 compared to 1990 levels, to be implemented as an emission budget covering 2031–2035.

65% below 1990 levels by 2035 (incl. LULUCF)
Absolute emissions level in 2035
excl. LULUCF
Level of emissions to be achieved at home (domestic target component), assuming 60% to two-thirds (67%) of the target will be achieved domestically

30-33 MtCO2e
[39-45% below 1990, excluding LULUCF]
[39-45% below 2010, excluding LULUCF]

Level of emissions to be achieved in total through domestic action and use of international market credits (full NDC target)

19 MtCO2e
[65-66% below 1990, excluding LULUCF]
[65-66% below 2010, excluding LULUCF]
Status Submitted on 29 January 2025

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