Viet Nam

Overall rating
Critically insufficient

Policies and action
against fair share

Critically insufficient
4°C+ World

Conditional NDC target
against modelled domestic pathways

Critically insufficient
4°C+ World

Unconditional NDC target
against fair share

Critically insufficient
4°C+ World
Climate finance
Not applicable
Net zero target



Comprehensiveness rated as

Land use & forestry
Not significant

Target Overview

In 2022 Viet Nam submitted its updated NDC, increasing its unconditional target to reduce GHG emissions by 15.8% below business-as-usual levels (BAU) by 2030 compared to 9% in the previous NDC. Conditional on international support, this target will be further increased to 43.5% below BAU, higher than previous conditional target of 27%. The conditional target is cumulative. GHG emissions reduction from international support alone are 28% from 2030 BAU emissions.

The updated unconditional and conditional targets translate to 863 and 620 MtCO2e/yr, respectively, in terms of absolute emissions levels for 2030 or 12% and 37% below BAU, excluding the land use and forestry sector.

The updated NDC claims that new targets are aligned to fulfill Viet Nam’s commitments at COP26, but it is not a true progression in scaling up climate action, as it is still aligned with 4ºC of warming and requires no additional effort beyond current policies. Notably, at COP26, Viet Nam committed to reach net zero by 2050 along with additional pledges related to a coal phase-out and methane emission reductions.

In the updated NDC, Viet Nam has transparently presented the financial requirements to achieve its unconditional and conditional targets.

The CAT rates Viet Nam’s targets as “Critically Insufficient”.

VIET NAM - Main climate targets
2030 unconditional NDC target
Formulation of target in NDC 15.8% reduction below BAU in 2030
Absolute emissions level in 2030 excl. LULUCF 863 MtCO2e
[212% above 2010]
Status Submitted in November 2022
2030 conditional NDC target
Formulation of target in NDC 43.5% reduction below BAU in 2030
Absolute emissions level in 2030 excl. LULUCF 620 MtCO2e
[124% above 2010]
Status Submitted in November 2022
Net zero & other long-term targets
Formulation of target Net zero by 2050
Absolute emissions level in 2050 excl. LULUCF 185 MtCO2e
Status Included in the decision document approving the National Climate Change Strategy in July 2022.

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